Gestalt Archive 1961-1990

Mary Henle (1962) - Some Aspects of the Phenomenology of the Personality

Professor KÖHLER (1947, p.3) has observed: "There seems to be a single starting point for psychology, exactly as for all the other sciences: the world as we find it, naively and uncritically." It needs hardly be mentioned that our own personality is an important part of this world as we find it. This paper will begin to apply to the psychology of personality ...

Wolfgang Metzger (1969) - The Phenomenal-Perceptual Field as a Central Steering Mechanism

It requires some courage to speak on consciousness to an American audience, for the phenomena any study of consciousness must rely on are too questionable for them. Strictly speaking they only consist of a sum of verbal reactions whose relation to the underlying observations as reported by the informant is highly complicated and whose reliability in any case remains uncertain. ...

Lewis W. Brandt and Wolfgang Metzger (1969) - 'Reality,' What does it mean?

Much confusion and many arguments are caused by different uses made of the word reality and by its various meanings. By definition empirical psychology deals with 'reality'. However, it excludes some kind of 'inner reality.'

Wolfgang Köhler- An Old Pseudoproblem

Why are the objects of the phenomenal world perceived as before us, outside of ourselves, even though today everybody knows that they depend upon processes inside of us, in the central nervous system?

Wolfgang Metzger (1972) - Do Schools of Psychology Still Exist?

If today we were to ask a psychologist, "What is left of the great disputes which determined the image of psychology in the twenties ?" the answer would be over-shadowed by a kind of a tacit agreement. "Those disputes belong to history. Psychological schools do not exist any more. Those particular conceptions which used to be the cause of fights as bitter as those over the articles of faith became part of our general psychological knowledge. …

Wolfgang Metzger (1974) - Can the Subject Create His World?

In talking to younger psychologists, one finds that many of them seem to believe that perception is something at the surface of the mind, a kind of borderline problem, and that preoccupation with it is obsolete. They look with disdain at every psychological problem that does not at least deal with personality, motivation, or social intercourse. ...

Mary Henle (1975) - Gestalt Psychology and Gestalt Therapy

The purpose of this paper is to try to set the historical record straight while the history in question is still in the making. lt seeks to clarify the relations between gestalt therapy and Gestalt psychology, from which the therapy claims to derive. In considering gestalt therapy, I will confine myself to the work of Fritz Perls, the finder, …

Abraham S. Luchins and Edith H. Luchins (1978) - Understanding Psychotics' Speech

A psychiatrist who had been WERTHEIMER's assistant in Germany [Erwin LEVY], started the discussion by saying that books often present statements which psychotic patients make but do not tell us much about the patients. He then described a case. When he asked a patient, How do you do? the patient did not answer. When he asked, Why don't you answer? …

Abraham S. Luchins and Edith H. Luchins (1978) - More on Psychotics' Speech

In the beginning of the session, the psychiatrist made some remarks about flight of ideas. Since it sounds like rhyming, some say that it must be due to sound associations; any association that comes up is expressed and the natural, normal association that should follow is not accepted. It is also said that it is due to arbitrary changes of attention, lack of attention, and of thinking.

Paul Tholey (1989) - Overview of the development of lucid dream research in Germany

As in other countries there were various reports of lucid dreams recorded through the centuries by German philosophers, poets and occultists. But these, as well as the investigations carried out by serious researchers, were completely ignored by scientists because they were based on personal experiences (see Schriever, 1935; Moers-Messmer, 1939). ...

Find full text articles published in the international journal Gestalt Theory in the early period 1979-2008 in the Gestalt Theory Early Archives