2011 Gestalt Anniversaries

110 years ago (1901)
  • George KATONA born in Budapest.
  • 9.11.: Bluma ZEIGARNIK (1901-1988) is born.


100 years ago (1911)

  • Wolfgang KÖHLER: Habilitation in psychology, systematic philosophy, and philosophy of history.
  • Max WERTHEIMER: 'Über das Denken der Naturvölker', Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 60, 321-378.


90 years ago (1921)

  • Kurt LEWIN: Habilitation at the university of Berlin; starting assistantship at the Berlin Psychological Institute (staying there until 1934)
  • Wolfgang KÖHLER appointed professor for experimental psychology and philosophy at Göttingen university
  • Psychologische Forschung, the famous journal of the new Gestalt school, is founded by K. KOFFKA, W. KÖHLER, M. WERTHEIMER, K. GOLDSTEIN, and H. GRUHLE. The first issue is published on August, 18.
  • Kurt KOFFKA: 'Die Grundlagen der psychischen Entwicklung'. Osterwieck/Harz: Zickfeldt. (English translation was published in 1924: 'The Growth of the Mind', New York: Harcourt, Brace)
  • Max WERTHEIMER: 'Untersuchungen zur Lehre von der Gestalt, I. Prinzipielle Bemerkungen', Psychologische Forschung, 1, 47-58.
  • Kurt LEWIN: 'Das Problem der Willensmessung und das Grundgesetz der Assoziation, I'. Psychologische Forschung, 1, 191-302.
  • Edgar RUBIN: 'Visuell wahrgenommene Figuren'. (transl. of 1915 original publication into German) Kopenhagen: Gyldendal.


80 years ago (1931)

  • Tamara DEMBO: Dissertation 'Der Ärger als dynamisches Problem', supervised by Kurt LEWIN, is accepted at Berlin university (published in the same year in Psychologische Forschung, 15, 1-144)
  • Wolfgang METZGER follows Max WERTHEIMER to Frankfurt university as his assistant;
  • Erwin LEVY hired as an assistant of Max WERTHEIMER in Frankfurt.
  • Friedrich HOETH born (24.8.1931 - 1.6.1981). In 1978 he participated in the foundation of the GTA and was member of the 1st board of directors of the GTA.
  • Kurt KOFFKA and Molly HARROWER: 'Color and organization, parts 1 and 2'. Psychologische Forschung, 15, pp 145-275.
  • Kurt LEWIN: 'Der Übergang von der aristotelischen zur galileischen Denkweise in der Biologie und Psychologie'. Erkenntnis, 1, 421-466. - 'Die psychologische Situation bei Lohn und Strafe'. Leipzig: Hirzel.'.
  • Martin SCHEERER: 'Die Lehre von der Gestalt: Ihre Methode und ihr psychologischer Gegenstand'. Berlin u. Leipzig: Walter de Gruyter.
  • Cesare MUSATTI: 'Forma e assimilazione', Archivo italiano di psicologia, 9, 61-156.


70 years ago (1941)

  • 22.11.: Kurt KOFFKA dies in Northampton, Massachusetts.
  • Wolfgang METZGER: 'Psychologie. Die Entwicklung ihrer Grundannahmen seit der Einführung des Experiments'. Dresden, Leipzig.
  • Wolfgang KÖHLER: 'On the nature of associations. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 84, 489-502.
  • KurtLEWIN: 'Regression, retrogression and development'. Univ. Iowa Stud. Child Welf. 18, 1-43.
  • Kurt GOLDSTEIN and M. SCHEERER: 'Abstract and concrete behavior: an experimental study with special tests'. Psychological Monographs 53.


60 years ago (1951)

  • Edgar RUBIN dies (born 1886).
    Agostino GEMELLI dies (born 1878).
  • Kurt LEWIN: 'Field theory in social science'. New York: Harper.
  • Richard MEILI: 'Denkpsychologie'. In: D. KATZ u. R. KATZ (Hrsg.), Handbuch der Psychologie, Basel: Schwabe, pp. 172-194.
  • Edwin RAUSCH: 'Zum Problem der Ähnlichkeit'. Psychologische Forschung, 23.
  • Abraham S. LUCHINS: 'An Evaluation of Some Current Criticisms of Gestalt Psychological Work on Perception'. Psychological Review, 58, 69-95.
  • Abraham S. LUCHINS: 'Towards an Experimental Clinical Psychology'. J. Person., 20, 440-456.
  • Kurt GOLDSTEIN: 'La structure de l'organisme. Introduction à la biologie à partir de la pathologie humaine'. (French translation of The Organism) Paris: Gallimard.
  • Georg KATONA: 'Psychological Analysis of Economic Behavior'.
  • George DEVEREUX: 'Some criteria for the timing of confrontations and interpretations'. International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 32, 19-24. (Applying Gestalt psychology to some problems in psychoanalysis.)


50 years ago (1961)

  • Mary HENLE: 'Documents of Gestalt Psychology'. Berkeley & Los Angeles: University of California Press.
  • Wolfgang KÖHLER: 'La psicologia della Gestalt'. Milano: Feltrinelli.
  • Ivo KOHLER: 'The Formation and Transformation of the Perceptual World'. New York: International Universities Press.


40 years ago (1971)

  • Mary HENLE (ed.): 'The Selected Papers of Wolfgang KÖHLER'. New York: Liveright.
  • Wolfgang METZGER: 'I fondamenti della psicologia della gestalt'. (Translation of his 1941 book 'Psychologie'.) Florenz: Giunti Barbèra. Including Gaetano KANIZSA: 'Attualità dell'opera di METZGER', pp. VII-XXVIII.
  • Wolfgang METZGER: 'Psychologie in der Erziehung'. Bochum: Kamp.
  • Kurt GOLDSTEIN: Selected Papers. Den Haag.
  • Abraham S. LUCHINS: 'Some Aspects of Wertheimer's Approach to Personality'. Journal of Individual Psychology, 17, pp. 20-26.

30 years ago (1981)

  • 9.-11.4.: 2nd Scientific Convention of the GTA at the University of Bielfeld.
  • 1.6.: Friedrich HOETH (born: 24.8.1931) dies. He was a co-founder of the GTA.
  • Paul THOLEY: 'Empirische Untersuchungen über Klarträume'. Gestalt Theory, 3, pp 21-62.
  • Erwin LEVY: 'A Problem in Thinking'. Psychological Reports, 49, 219-236.
  • Michael KUBOVY and J. R. POMERANTZ (eds.): 'Perceptual Organization'. Hillsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum.


20 years ago (1991)

  • 7.-10.3.: 7th Scientific Convention of the GTA at the University of Eichstätt: Das Werk Kurt LEWINs und seine Aktualität für die Sozialwissenschaften und ihre Anwendungen (The Work of Kurt LEWIN and its Topicality for Social Sciences and their Applications).
  • 24.3.: Kurt GOTTSCHALDT dies.
  • 14.9.: Wera MAHLER dies in Tel Aviv.
  • Erwin LEVY dies in New York.
  • Max WERTHEIMER: 'Zur Gestaltpsychologie menschlicher Werte. Aufsätze 1934-1940'. Editor: Hans-Jürgen P. WALTER. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag.
  • Rudolf ARNHEIM: 'The Dynamics of Problem Solving', Gestalt Theory, 13, pp 205-209.
  • Mario ZANFORLIN, G. VALLORTIGARA, and A. AGOSTINI: 'The Whole May Be Less Than The Sum Of Its Parts', Gestalt Theory, 13, pp 243-249.
  • Erwin LEVY: 'Some Further Thoughts about the Brain-Mind-Problem', Gestalt Theory, 13, pp. 272-275.